Wednesday 30 October 2013

OPS - English

    " Even after learning the languange for 13 years at primary, secondary and matriculation levels, some students still could not master English. Students must be given the opportunity and exposure to speak and understand both languages. "(Deputy Prime Minister)

Briefing OPS,
State Level
Date : 28 Oct 2013
Place : PPD Temerloh
Organised by : ELTC (English Language Teaching Centre)
Participants : English HOP
Our School Participant : Miss Chin (English HOP SMKTJ)

Objectives of OPS
1. to listen and to understand spoken English.
2. to build students' confidence to speak.

Programme Outcomes
1. provide and equip teachers with practical and hands-on strategies.
2. enhance aural and oral skills amongst students.
3. empower the students to speak the English Language through fun and non-threatening activities.


All The Best

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